Doctors of Chiropractic have an in-depth understanding of the body’s mechanics, enabling them to diagnose and address issues related to the spine and the upper and lower limbs.

Dr Abrantes is registered with the General Chiropractic Council, is a member of the British Chiropractic Association and, is covered by all major health insurers.

Rather than solely focusing on symptomatic relief, Dr Abrantes adopts a holistic approach, investigating the underlying root cause of your complaint. He provides a personalised treatment plan which, in addition to hands-on chiropractic treatment, includes posture correction, ergonomic advice and rehabilitation exercises to facilitate healing and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Dr Abrantes’s expertise encompasses a broad range of techniques, including:

‘Diversified Manipulation Technique’ for the spine and limbs McKenzie Method Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) Dry Needling / Acupuncture Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS) Kinesio Taping (Muscle-taping) Deep tissue massage Active Release Therapy (ART) Muscle stretching techniques Fascial release Customised exercise rehabilitation Management of disc problems and sciatica


Doctors of chiropractic are experts in the mechanics of the body. They understand how it should function and can diagnose and treat conditions of the spine and limbs. Dr Abrantes is GCC registered and covered by all major health insurers. Dr Abrantes will not just treat the symptoms, but also discover the root cause of your condition and give you bespoke corrective exercises to facilitate re... Read More

Doctors of chiropractic are experts in the mechanics of the body. They understand how it should function and can diagnose and treat conditions of the spine and limbs. Dr Abrantes is GCC registered and covered by all major health insurers.

Dr Abrantes will not just treat the symptoms, but also discover the root cause of your condition and give you bespoke corrective exercises to facilitate recovery and minimise the risk of re-injury.

Dr Abrantes is trained in a wide variety of techniques, some of which include:
- Joint adjusting techniques for the spine and limbs
- Dry Needling / Acupuncture
- Muscle-taping (Kinesio Taping)
- Deep tissue massage
- Active Release Therapy (ART)
- Muscle stretching techniques
- Fascial release
- Bespoke exercise rehabilitation
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS)
- McKenzie Method
- Management of disc problems

Hello and welcome to the clinic! I am Dr Ricardo Abrantes, a Doctor of Chiropractic with over 13 years’ experience.

I am registered with the General Chiropractic Council, am a member of the British Chiropractic Association, and am covered by all major health insurers.

My journey has been a little unusual, as I initially graduated as an engineer and embarked on a career as a consultant in the oil and gas industry. However, I always felt a pull towards a vocation where I could provide more tangible help to others. Thus, I made the decision to change my career and pursue the path of chiropractic, a decision I have never regretted.

I graduated from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic in 2010 with distinction, earning my second Master’s degree - in Chiropractic.

Shortly after graduating I completed a research post graduate degree (PGCert) with a focus on pelvic girdle pain related to pregnancy. My postgraduate research ignited a deep interest in the musculoskeletal implications of pregnancy, specifically in relation to Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). Moreover, I have developed a keen interest in offering tailored care for patients suffering from neck related headaches and migraines.

My love for learning and development has become one of the guiding principles of my practice. This commitment sees me attending multiple postgraduate seminars annually, continually expanding my knowledge base and skill set to enhance the care I provide my patients.

Throughout my career, I have consistently delivered notable improvements in a diverse array of musculoskeletal conditions. If you are in pain, I invite you to reach out and explore how I might aid in your relief and recovery.

My objective as your healthcare provider is to alleviate your discomfort, help you reach your goals, and expedite your return to the activities you relish most. I believe that a holistic and individualized approach to healthcare is paramount, recognizing that patients embody more than their physical discomfort. My vision of chiropractic care embraces empathy, understanding, active listening, and a cooperative relationship to guide you towards your optimal health goals.

On a personal note, my leisure activities include running, hiking, open-water swimming, painting and more recently, horse riding. I am passionate about music, especially live performances, and enjoy playing the guitar and the ukulele.

Hello and welcome to the clinic! I am Dr Ricardo Abrantes, a Doctor of Chiropractic with over 13 ... Read More

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Ricardo Abrantes Chiropractic (Coulsdon Clinic)
Located at: Therapy and Life Centre, 218 Brighton Road, Coulsdon
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